Saturday 5 October 2013


Two gentle souls fill the air with cheerful resonances. Their naughty mannerisms, their innocent jokes, their cuddly hugs, have given life a whole new meaning and along with that is the realization of a huge responsibility, of being able to give them a good upbringing enriched with high values. Today, I tried to put down my thoughts on this beautiful child-mother relationship.

Tiny hands hold my fingers
Trustingly grip the little wonders
The heart skips a beat
As the innocent eyes meet
And carefree smiles
Remove worries for miles

Tiny hugs greet the soul
It doesn't matter if one has not met the goal
Doesn't matter if one’s rich or poor
After all, you are their mommy dear
Doesn't matter if you are fair or dark
Coz Mommy, you are your angel’s star

A tiny tear rolls down the cheeks
Overcome with all the love it receives
The head bows down in a silent prayer
Lord, give me the strength to handle with care
Their fragile hearts may never despair

Tiny dreams will soon have wings
 And they will go on to do their own things
The sun shall set upon today’s youth
While new horizons open up for the not so tiny brood
Wrinkled faces shall hold up with pride
Every time their angels strive
To win, without letting their values dive

They find their place in the sun
And come home with the trophies won
Yet when they are in the dark and cold
They come back to their mother’s hold
A place where every child feels safe
A place where there is never a room for hate.


  1. Replies
    1. Yep Mallika....straight from the heart :)
      Thanks for the glad you appreciate what I write.

  2. beautifully written...keep writing..
